get to know me

Wife, mom, avid tea drinker, leader, creative. Friend.Mentor.

I’ve had the incredible privilege of being surrounded by a wealth of resources in the form of mentors, coaches, therapists and champions...the kind that don’t let me off the hook.

most of my adult life has been spent doing the hard inner work, developing spiritual disciplines, channeling the awareness around childhood wounds, tapping into emotional needs that were not being met and gifts that needed to be shared. I've gained tools  for growing all along the way and I am now a certified Primal Question Coach which is super exciting! Finding this framework actually changed my life - like put very cool truth and clarity into thoughts and actions I try to live into every single dAY. .

I tend to do all kinds of things out of the box & I live for the things that are unique  in the way of parenting, hosting, CREATING. You can usually find me running around with my tween, trying to tire out my puppy or creating something simple yet magical in the kitchen. Hospitality is my jam and I’m always looking for ways to up that game!

IT’S A PRIVILEGE TO BE HERE, to bE ABLE TO DO WHAT I DO. I look forward to meeting you and just know, I'm so ready to cheer you on!

Choosing to show up, choosing to do the good & hard at the same time…

that’s where I get help people SHRINK MARGINs THAT GET IN THE WAY of what they’re called to do and be!